Publish article in more than one collection
David Durance
(Currently this can only be done by cloning the article.) This feature would give another way to control access, eg some articles in a subscription-only collection could be accessed from a collection that just requires an opt in. Articles could also be republished in differently-focussed collections eg "best-of..."
Karl Equi
This would be a great idea.
For us we have too many content areas to split them all out as categories (Medical Therapy Areas). So to be able to pull out each of those areas as a different "collection" would be great.
It might be something we could do with TAGS instead (if tags functionality existed - which I'll probably add as a new feature request anyway if it doesn't exist yet :) )
Tropics Lifestyle #magazine
Love this. I may have to create a hack-something like this in meantime: It would be used by me a lot if this was magloft level of feature.
Nick Martin
Hi David, thanks for the great suggestion. Currently you can "promote" articles that are part of a paid or locked collection by giving that article a published date. I know this isn't super intuitive but that's one way to re-use an article that is part of a paid/locked collection and make it freely available.
We will definitely review your suggestion for additional options to re-use content in multiple ways. Thanks again.
David Durance
Nick Martin: Hi Nick, reviewing this answer, one of the problems with 'promoting an article' as you suggest, is that this only works if you access the article section, not from the collections section. If the collection remains locked (ie, the user isn't logged in, and they see the article outline in the collections table of contents, (and I
talking about collection access here) then they are only able to view a preview snippet of that article. Unless the user knows that this article is separately accessible and they know that they need to go to the articles section to find it, the solution suggested here is pretty limited. I cover this issue in more detail in the feature request "Collection TOC previews should maintain individual article publishing status".Nick Martin
David Durance: Thanks for elaborating. It's pretty clear that the ability to clone or re-use the same page in multiple collections is what would really help. Especially if you could edit that page once, and the changes would show up on ALL the cloned/re-used pages. Makes a lot of sense.